ElectraNet vegetation management contractors undertake on ground cyclic vegetation assessments throughout the year. Our inspection teams are looking for vegetation growing too close to the powerlines and could pose a risk to safety. Every span of the network is inspected to mitigate bushfire risk and our contractors monitor and remove vegetation that is too close to the transmission lines.
Every year before Fire Danger Season commences ElectraNet vegetation management contractors will conduct a Pre-Fire Danger Season inspection as a final check of the network to ensure compliance with the regulated safety standards.
ElectraNet aerial contractors undertake regular inspections of our transmission network throughout the year in the lead up to the Fire Danger Season. These inspections involve a helicopter stopping and hovering to inspect each structure to identify any defects that require attention. These inspections are critical for identifying and reporting defects to ensure a safe operating environment during the fire danger season.
Where it is not possible to fly the network ElectraNet maintenance contractors will also undertake on ground assessments.
Before the Fire Danger Season commences, the aerial inspection teams will conduct a Pre-Fire Danger Season Patrol flight as a final safety check of the network. During these inspections the helicopter will only stop if a defect is observed. These patrols are essential in capturing any defects prior to the Fire Danger Season and are critical to keeping our communities safe.
Routine maintenance is crucial for ensuring the safety of the community and reliability of our infrastructure. It is important ongoing work undertaken by our contractor Enerven that occurs all year round.
Our Stobie Poles are also inspected by specialist contractors as part of a planned maintenance and inspection programme. The on ground maintenance teams each pole to check for corrosion at the groundline and ensure earthing systems are in place. It is important work to ensure the continued safe and reliable operation of the lines.
Earth impedance testing is a ‘routine’ test that is carried on ground out using a small portable meter, and involves test leads and earth stakes to determine the electrical resistance between a transmission line structure and the surrounding soil. This testing is crucial for the community’s safety and network reliability.