Our engagement with stakeholders has focused strongly on the rapid changes to the demand and supply outlook in South Australia and developing transmission options to meet our energy needs.
The development of major transmission assets typically requires 5–7 years from initial planning to delivery. While there are potential risks for customers in developing the network before it is needed, there are far greater risks in not having adequate transmission in time. Failure to adequately plan for transmission could put a handbrake on economic development and lead to higher cost outcomes and risks for customers.
Action is therefore required to prepare for the timely transmission developments needed to enable growth in demand and renewable supply and deliver least cost outcomes for customers in the transition to net zero.
We have identified the following near-term network developments for priority action:
- Mid-North Expansion (Southern) – AEMO’s 2024 Integrated System Plan (ISP) identified this as an ‘actionable’ project. It forms an essential part of the ‘network backbone’ to enable higher transfers of renewable energy to meet demand growth and ensure security of supply through a diverse transmission path to Adelaide as its supply becomes more dependent on distant renewable sources.
- Mid-North Expansion (Northern) – AEMO’s 2024 Integrated System Plan (ISP) identified this as an ‘actionable’ project. It also forms part of the ‘network backbone’ in meeting projected demand growth and unlocking renewable energy resources in the northern regions of the state.
- Eyre Peninsula upgrade – based on new load interest we are undertaking the Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission to investigate options to increase network capacity to service the growing needs of the region.
- South-East Expansion – following preparatory activities completed in 2022–23 this project should be progressed as an ‘actionable’ project to increase transfer capability and unlock renewable resources in this region.
Longer-term network development priorities have also been identified to meet future potential load growth and release further renewable energy resources.
Other actions we are taking include investing in additional network planning resources to ensure we have capacity to adequately plan required transmission network developments.
As the energy transition continues and the uptake of variable renewable energy grows the complexity of the power system will continue to increase. Further actions we are taking to safeguard the security and resilience of the transmission network include:
- Ensuring appropriate voltage control on the network by undertaking the Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission to identify the most efficient solution.
- Planning and developing sufficient forward looking system strength and inertia under the new system strength regulatory framework by undertaking the Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission to identify the most efficient solution.
- Ensuring system protection and emergency control schemes are effective for changing system conditions.
- Undertaking targeted investments to maintain power quality.
- Optimising distribution and customer contributions to system security
AEMO’s ISP, NEM Engineering Framework and Operations Technology Roadmap all highlight that to ensure the NEM power system can operate securely with a high penetration of inverter-based resources, the system operator and network service providers like ElectraNet need to uplift capabilities in operational systems, processes, real time monitoring and power system modelling. We are working closely with AEMO and other stakeholders on the systems and capability uplift required to protect the power system from disturbances in an increasingly complex operating environment. The actions we are taking to ensure the required systems and tools are in place include:
- Developing and implementing sufficient network planning and operations capabilities to manage power system changes and support, encompassing: – Realtime operations – Near real-time planning – Outage planning – Longer-term planning.
- Developing a prioritised roadmap of network operational technology enhancements, with a focus on high priority capability that can be delivered quickly.
- Developing strategic implementation capability to deliver the required technology enhancements.